Nativv Studios | Life
Nativv Studios

Nativv Studios is an Indie Dev Studio based out of New Brunswick, Canada!
We make games, websites 🤔 whatever we want really!

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Or get to know more about us Here!

Top Podcasts we listen to on Spotify!


Ram Dass shares heart-centered wisdom in lectures from the past 40 years, introduced by Raghu Markus.


Darknet Diaries explores true stories of the dark side of the Internet, including hacking and cyber crime.


Conversations on science, technology, philosophy and the nature of intelligence, consciousness, love, and power with AI researcher Lex.


Mindrolling Podcast explores consciousness, culture, and realization with Raghu Markus.


A weekly breakdown of culture, psychedelics, spirituality, conspiracy theories and other things and stuff or whatever with Dakota Wint.


Krishna Das offers guidance on spiritual journey through personal experience, humor, and kirtan.